Lab news
July 2023
Eli, Sarah, and Nikki traveled to Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) along with collaborators, Dr. Adam Maxwell and Dr. Andy Muelenaer, to begin discussions on histotripsy for the treatment of breast cancer in Malawi. Two MUST alumni, Ruth and Nathan, came back with the team to join TUSL as new PhD students!
June 2023
Eli has been named the Kendall and Laura Hendrick Junior Faculty Fellow by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors. Congrats Eli!
May 2023
Eli, Lauren, Sarah, Jess, Sara, Victor, and Elli traveled to the Children's National Research and Innovation Campus in Washington, DC for the 2023 Cancer Research Alliance Retreat.

The lab's project on diffuse midline glioma (DMG) was featured in the VT News. The Vlaisavljevich lab in collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Munson's lab and Children's National Hospital are tackling pediatric DMG using focused ultrasound and tissue-engineered models.
April 2023
Eli, Lauren, Sarah, Jess, and Maya traveled to Lyon, France for the International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound with collaborator Dr. Shima Shahab.

Eli received a 2023 Outstanding Faculty Award from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). Eli, Jess, and Alex attended the 27th Annual Outstanding Faculty Awards ceremony in Richmond, VA for Eli to receive his award. Congrats Eli!

Lauren successfully defended her PhD dissertation! Congrats Dr. Ruger! She loves histotripsy so much, she has decided to stay in the lab as a postdoctoral researcher.
March 2023
Zerin successfully defended her PhD dissertation! Congrats Dr. Khan! She has accepted a postdoctoral researcher position at Yale.
December 2022
White elephant gifts were exchanged at the lab's annual holiday party!

November 2022
Connor successfully defended his PhD dissertation! Congrats Dr. Edsall! He joins HistoSonics to work on the commercialization of histotripsy.
Alexia traveled to Ashland, Oregon for the Society for Wildlife Forensic Science Conference and visited Dr. Hal Holmes at Conservation X Labs in Seattle, Washington.

May 2022
Hannah successfully defended her MS thesis! Congrats Hannah! She joins Plexius as a Mechanical Engineer.
April 2021
Alissa successfully defended her PhD dissertation! Congrats Dr. Hendricks-Wenger! She is attending medical school at Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine.